You have something amazing to offer. Not only that, but you have something amazing to offer that you are ALSO majorly passionate about. You know you can help your target market achieve the goal they want, but you're still struggling to get seen by those people. How can you change that and start gaining visibility online? Read on for 5 tips and tricks to help you increase your visibility online!
5 Tips for Increasing Your Visibility Online
If you're wanting to get seen by more of your ideal customers, try out these practical tips.
1. Schedule posts to go out on your FB page every other day.
*Example - Videos, quotes, text, short and long copy, and your top tips!
2. Plan a theme or focus for your Instagram stories daily. Keep that rainbow ring around your profile!
*Example - Still images, past photos you’ve taken, landscape photos, pre-recorded videos, live stories and videos, behind-the-scenes content, sneak peaks, top tips, and challenges.
3. Post daily on Instagram with your 5 CORE MESSAGES for your business, tribe, and community.
* Example - Money, empowerment, quotes, positivity, success, travel, books... whatever your core messages are, create daily posts around these themes.
4. Connect with other people... relationships are key!
* Example - Commenting on other people's posts, replying on stories, asking questions in groups, writing reviews on podcasts, sharing Instagram posts of others, joining lives, and engaging with your audience- start talking to others and get yourself out there.
5. Research events and networking opportunities.
Use Google, Eventbrite, FB groups, and social media to connect with others.
*Example - Go to events, meet new people, research events coming up, or book tickets to networking breakfasts or lunches.
Tell me below if you have tried any of these tips and tricks for increasing your visibility and what has worked for you.
BONUS: Make sure you know the answer to the question - WHAT DO YOU DO?!
Practice this answer and share it in all of the above ways to get yourself seen, your energy absorbed, and people connecting with you.
If you're ready to increase your visibility and attract your dream clients, check out my Client Attraction Method masterclass!
