If you're striving to reach financial success in your business, there are a lot of factors that go into it. Check out these lessons and insights on money, marketing, and misfits for financial success in the online space.
Insights on Money
One of my biggest insecurities is being judged unfairly or not being liked for who I am.
When it came to making money and having financial success, this insecurity stuck around as I built my business.
My thoughts were always:
Will people think I'm greedy?
Will people find it triggering?
How will it be received?
The Money Lesson
The people who are READY to receive your message, growth, and success are the people ready to take this journey with you.
Yes, I've lost followers.
Yes, I've had people tell me I'm too much for them.
Yes, I've had comments about my strategy not being for them.
BUT, I have never had ANYONE who is truly READY for their next level of financial success and wealth
expansion NOT want to spend time in my world.
Focus on who is ready to receive the financial success you share!
Insights on Marketing
Creating constant content 24/7 isn't fun for anyone! When I started my first business in 2017, I created free content for 6 months before I even tried to sell to anyone. Yes, there were times I felt deflated that I wasn't getting engagement. However, online marketing is about WAY more than that.
The Marketing Lesson
Your free content and social media presence will NEVER detrimentally impact the growth of your business.
Adding value, creating content, being painfully consistent, and posting without going viral will eventually pay off.
This leads to 3 core assets for you:
A place for new people to consume, learn, and be served by you INSTANTLY.
An online space that continues to showcase your knowledge, energy and tenacity for your business, and your brand.
A fast-track process to elevate your marketing long-term.
Never underestimate how a piece of content can lead to clients, sales, and continued brand/community!
Insights on Misfits
My biggest insecurity (shared earlier) is not being liked and being rejected.
Standing out online, claiming my power, owning my brilliance, shouting about my success, stepping into my light, and creating success without limits and celebrating it was (and still is) scary for me.
The Misfits Lesson
No one ahead of you will be judging you. No one who has achieved or accomplished what you are striving for will be questioning you. Standing in your truth and owning your power is your BIRTHRIGHT.
It's your chance to pave the way for another incredible woman to own her epicness. Women are here to be celebrated and empowered. If you're in circles that don't do that, find a new circle.
Successful women are NOT heartless, scary, or arrogant. They are the change-makers and trailblazers, so more women step forward and own their brilliance.
I hope these insights and lessons help you step into your most epic, brilliant, and driven self as you pave the way for your own financial success and legacy.