When it comes to selling on social, so often, entrepreneurs face roadblocks which lead to inconsistency and not showing up for their audience. In this blog post, I'm giving you 3 magical pieces of advice so you can sell on social media consistently, easily, and without feeling like you have to be online 24/7. Let's dive in!
Advice for Selling on Social
1. Create consistency when talking, sharing, and promoting your services.
It isn’t about being online 24/7. Instead, it's about having 10 ways of saying the same thing and being able to remain consistent when marketing your services. Don't think that just because you've said it once, you shouldn't say it again. You SHOULD feel repetitive on social media.
Aim to take one topic and break it down and share it in multiple ways. After all, not everyone will see every piece of content and sometimes, it takes them hearing it 7 times for it to stick.
2. Create relatable content.
Create content that specifically highlights your services and showcases the magic that’s in store for your potential clients if they choose to work with you. Here are a few ideas of things you should share on social:
Case studies.
Screen shots.
Before and afters.
Reels and lives.
Mini trainings.
There are SO many ways you can create content to showcase your services to your community in authentic ways.
3. Invite conversations (don’t just constantly broadcast).
Create and invite in personal conversations through your social media content. Don't just aim to sell to people in your content, but instead, aim to:
Connect with your audience.
Learn what they need.
Find out their challenges.
Identify what holds them back.
Become CONNECTED to who you desire to serve.
Which of these pieces of advice are you going to focus on when selling on social?
If you're looking for more support in selling on social and creating authentic relationships, check out my FREE Social Media Masterclass.