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Writer's pictureSamantha Hearne

5 Fundamentals in Business to Focus On For Results

If you really want to get results in your business this year, there are a few key things you should focus on and take responsibility for. The truth is, no one can show up and do the work for you. You have to be dedicated to the dream and the work it takes to achieve it. Read on for 5 fundamentals in business you should focus on if you want massive results to come.

5 Fundamentals in Business


Take Action Every Day

You have to ACTIVELY choose, EVERY DAY, to focus on the actions you're taking to achieve your goals. Even if you have a mentor or are in a programme to help you learn which actions to take, YOU are the only person that can do them. Putting what you learn into action is your responsibility. Ultimately, it's YOUR DAILY ACTIONS that will make the biggest difference in your results.​​​​​​​​

Use The In-Between Time Wisely

​​​​​​​​We all have periods of in-between time, whether it's between calls, between coaching sessions, or other bits of time in your schedule. Instead of using that time to scroll your phone, use it with INTENTION!

The time gap between sessions or support from your coach is the time you show yourself what you’re capable of and how much you can achieve.​​​​​​​​

Explore, Create, and Track

​​​​​​​​Getting curious, innovative, and organised is a key fundamental in business. Explore your industry and other industries for ideas, innovation, trends, and strategies you like that you could put your own spin on and implement in your business.​​​​​​​​ Create from a place of originality and intuition. Bring a sense of newness to your brand and marketing.​​​​​​​​ Then, make sure to track everything! Track what's working, what's not, what you enjoy, what keeps you stuck, and more! This knowledge will help you move forward in alignment with your goals and what you want for your life.

Be Brave and Specific With Your Plan

​​​​​​​​If you have bold goals, you must take bold action and ensure you have a BOLD, ironclad plan.​​​​​​​​ It doesn't matter what your goals are, whether they're conversion goals, pricing goals, goals for your business structures, or goals for how many clients you want to bring into your world. Take the time to create the roadmap for your goals, because it will make it so much easier for you to actually ACHIEVE THEM.

Keep Yourself on Track

​​​​​​​​As an entrepreneur in the online space, it can be easy to get distracted or fall off task. A quick break on Instagram can soon become a 1 hour dive down the social media rabbit hole. One of the biggest fundamentals in business is to set priorities and stick to them! Know your goals and decipher where shiny object syndrome could come up and stop you in your tracks. Be clear with yourself and what you’re aiming to achieve.​​​​​​​​

These 5 fundamentals in business will help you stay in alignment with your goals and the results you truly want in your business. Remember, even if you're not where you want to be right now, keep going. The joy is in the journey and your progress, goals, and results deserve it!

Let me know in the comments, which fundamental in business are you committing to?



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